Yesterday I went to the local thrift store and came across this shirt. The pattern on the shirt immediately reminded me of scrapbooking paper. Knowing that it was a shirt that I would never fit into, I thought I might share the wealth of it's beauty. Feeling the need to be creative this afternoon, the shirt kept beckoning me to "transform" it into a masterpiece.

Here are the details...
I scanned/copied the shirt and printed it out on photo paper. It is amazing how the image looks just like the fabric, texture and all. Next I planned on cutting u
p the shirt. My son, thought I was crazy to do such a thing. Anyways, the other d
ay I had seen a tutorial on spiral paper roses and thought why not try it using fabric? I have a great obsession with the new "rosette" craze and figured it is about time I try it out myself. To my satisfaction, it actually was pretty easy and I think the rosette turned out great. With a little imagination and lots of scrapbooking goodies from Hambly, etc this is the finished product. I plan on creating more of these recycled fabric rosette/card combinations. The rosette will be a hair clip that easily attaches to the card, and would make a great simple gift for a friend or co-worker. Let me know what you think!
Oh yes, if you want to see the tutorial on the spiral roses go to