Lately I am completely obsessed with anything that looks remotely like an old vintage carnival. When I think of carnivals, the colors that automatically come to mind are red, aquas, pale yellow, black & white. The images that run through my head are of elephants, carousels, huge (bald-headed) muscle men with barbells & swirly mustaches, tattoos, and scalloped canopies. I think it is a major trend right now, lots of great vintage images to look at; not to mention all the amazing scrapbooking materials out there to incorporate into your next masterpiece. GCD Studios has come out with a new line, and I know there are some that were released this last year that are amazing too. A few weeks ago I completed a large custom cake dome that totally reminds me of the old vintage carnivals...the scallops, the colors, and the funky pedestal. The only thing missing was the pale yellow...I definitely plan on making a true "carnival" one in the future. Anyways, there are some other inspiring things that get me revved up about the whole vintage carnival craze. Have you ever seen some of the amazing stamps over at
http://www.purpleoniondesigns.com/? Talk about insanely cool. Some of my faves are the "Antique Fair".

..the mustached dude with his huge mouth wide open is just the best! Also, the fonts of the "Living Room Floor" stamps are indescribable. (Definitely on my wish list!) Also, if you like to read (which I am not a big reader myself, but it was an easy read) I loved Mitch Albom's "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven." Have you read it or ever seen the movie? The entire story is centered around Ruby Pier, an old amusement park of sorts. You should definitely check it out if you haven't before. As I have said there is tons of inspiration out there, but the most amazing vintage carnival masterpieces hands down are by a truly talented artist by the name of Tammy Smith out of Westwood, Kansas. She has unbelievable works of art completely inspired by an abandoned carnival pier she once saw in England. Please take time to view her whimsical sculptures & creations. She also makes shirts that say hilarious carnival phrases like, "circus freak," "ringmaster" & "trapeze artist." (Another definite on my wishlist!) Please check out Tammy's amazing creations at
http://www.homemadecircus.blogspot.com/ or
Thanks dearly to all my amazing friends for all your comments and words of encouragement. You truly inspire me!
Amy. Did your recipient just lose her damn mind over that? Well, I just did.
That book is in my top 10 by the way. Love it. Have you read Water for Elephants?
First time I've seen an altered cake dome. Love the mosaic effect and your take on circus/carnival. What a coincidence that I'm working on the same theme for my latest project. And red/black/turqouise with purple are the dominant colours.
Happy new year !
AMY!!! You are amazing, girl...seriously. I so love your cake - design, colors & all!!! I was also going to suggest you read "Water for Elephants" by Sara Gruen. I have it - if you want to borrow it - I'll send, just email me your addy. :)
Amy - what a great post. This piece is truly stunning - what an incredible artist you are. Can't wait to check out you inspiration suggestions above. Love 'old carnival' - even a modern-day abandoned boardwalk works for me, too :)
Hi Amy, thanks for visiting my blog n leaving such a sweet comment. I love ur work of art! Everything is skillfully constructed and that amazing cake dome really blew me away!!! What a great piece! :))
Oh Good Grief.....this cake dome is out of this world!!!
ahhhhdore this. beautiful project.
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