
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

OklaVision features Amy Baldwin of Curly Q Mosaics!

I am telling you, I can't even express the gratitude I have for all the media attention I have received these last few weeks! Yesterday, OklaVision featured the Girlie Show from Friday night on their daily TV show. If you live in the OKC or Tulsa, OK areas you have probably seen the tv show on Cox Communications, channel 3. If you haven't watched it before, it is a great resource for checking out arts & entertainment in our area. If you didn't see the segment on tv yesterday, it's okay! You can see it in it's entirety by going to Go to Program Guide, and look under Nov 09. The Girlie Show segment begins at 00:04:53. It will be permanently archived on their website after this week. Be sure to check it out to capture the pure essence of this year's show. Enjoy!

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